Why Start A Developer Blog
November 04, 2019 ∙ 2 min read
Photo by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash
The reason for starting a developer blog could vary for different people. In this post, I’ll be sharing my insights on the topic and the reason I decided to embark on this adventure.
Knowledge sharing
This has been a passion I have always cherished. In the past, I have used several avenues to illustrate this, but there was invariably one issue. These were scattered all over the place, meaning that I did not have a single source of truth that hosted a collection of most of these thoughts. They were in various media platforms, left as drafts to be published one day or tossed in the comment section of a blog, or probably not getting the light of day.
Single source of truth
For recurring challenges I might run into in the course of building or working on a project. Serves a reference for solutions I found. Also, help someone out there
Personal Space
My place on the internet to share knowledge for free.
I have decided to continually challenge myself by learning and building solutions using technologies and techniques that I may not be exposed to in my daily work. Growth means going outside of my comfort zone and continually working on myself.